Monday, January 30, 2017

Things I don't understand

Things I don't understand recently... 

Why was it okay for Trump and many others to question the legitimacy of Obama's presidency, but it's not okay to question Trump's presidency? 

Why is it okay for Trump to be using an unsecured phone and his administration to be using private emails when it wasn't okay for Clinton? 

Why is it okay to spend millions and billions of dollars when it comes to building walls or war, but not okay to spend a fraction of that to help our fellow Americans?

Why is it okay that President Trump is already on track to sign more executive orders than President Obama, but whenever President Obama signed an executive order, he was "over-reaching"? 

Why is it okay to put an immigration ban in place when America was founded on the idea of welcoming immigrates from all over the world? Why is this okay when some claim that we are a Christian nation yet directly disobey the teachings of Jesus when he says to love our neighbor and welcome the refugee? 

Why is it okay for us to claim to be a Christian nation when in fact America was founded on freedom of religion? 

Why is it okay to hurt millions of average Americans so that big corporations and the top 1% can make even more money, none of which trickles down? 

Why is it okay to deny millions of Americans healthcare coverage? Why are the insurance company's profits more important than life? 

Why is it okay to strip rights away from people just because you don't agree with them?

Why is it okay to continue to destroy our planet for the sake of profit? 

Why is it okay that we've stopped caring about each other? 

Why is it okay to hate?

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