Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Alright, so I'm way behind on posting here. Not really sure why but now is as good as time as any to start up again! Because as we all know - it's convention time!

Last week was the Republican National Convention where Romney accepted the nomination and officially became the Republican candidate for president. His running mate, Paul Ryan, also accepted his nomination.

So to start off, this Paul Ryan character. Let's just say I'm not a huge fan of anyone who wants to take my rights as a woman away so I'm definitely not a Ryan fan. But I will say that he is a pretty good looking fella but he reminds me a lot of Will Schuester from Glee and during his speech I kept thinking, "When's he going to break out in song?" The other take away from Ryan's speech is just how untruthful it was. Even Fox News was talking about the lies that were told. And that is just not okay. I mean sure, every politician at some point has probably told a lie or exaggerated the truth or something like that during a speech but that doesn't make it okay for anyone. Especially not as much as Ryan did.

Mitt Romney's speech was nothing too special. I don't think he really had any flaws or anything that struck out as extraordinary either. But listening to his speech, I personally just can't understand why anyone would want to be a Republican. :) I'm kidding. Sort of. I just don't understand how anyone can benefit from being a Republican unless you're a millionaire and let's be honest, most of us aren't.

Another thing I want to mention is this clip from the Daily Show. Basically it's about how the Republican platform is against abortions in all situations. But Mitt, their candidate, doesn't agree with the platform. So the question is asked, how can you support your candidate if he doesn't support your platform? And their answers? "This is America. Everyone has a choice. They can do what they want." Ah yes. Except in the cases of abortion.

There's been a lot of talk about abortion in the news lately. It seems a lot of states are waging a war against women's rights. Funny enough, most of the people behind these laws are men. And some of the things people are saying are just outrageous. But here is a picture that was posted to Facebook that I really think puts things into perspective. Just something to compare it with...

You might not agree with abortion and that's fine. That's your personal choice. But it should be not be any other person's choice than the woman who has to decide if that's something she wants or not. 

Alright, now on to the Democratic National Convention which started last night. The main speaker of last night was Michelle Obama and she did a fantastic job. It completed delivered and got people real excited for the rest of the convention. She talked about the type of person Obama is, how he was raised, the struggles they both grew up with and the struggles of being in love, married and in debt from student loans. She talked about family, healthcare and hard work. She hit a lot of great points. It's really hard not to like Michelle Obama. :)

It will be interested to see President Obama speak later this week. His speech four years ago was one for the history books. And it was a speech I was lucky enough to be in attendance for. He really got everyone excited and he will have to do it again. And it's probably not going to be as easy.

Finally, I just wanted to put a plug in for this website my brother introduced me too. It's pretty funny. Check it out when you have time. :)