Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Iowa Caucus 2012: Follow Up

Morning is here and so are the final numbers. I tried to stay up last night but it just got too late. 1:30 in the morning is way past my bedtime on a work night, and frankly, most nights! But let's get the results.

First place went to Mitt Romney by a mere 8 votes. Eight. 
Romney: 30,015          Santorum: 30,007

This is by far the closest a vote has ever been in a caucus or primary. And I'm betting it's probably going to stay in first place for along time with such a slim number like eight.

Overall, it was a very exciting night. A couple things that we learned by last night was that every vote does indeed count. And also that this race could still be anyone's race. Iowa was only the first stop. Every other state is going to get their chance to vote as well. It's really up in the air at this point.

It's also been in the news this morning that Michele Bachmann is going to be holding a press conference later today and it's rumored that she's canceled her trip to South Carolina, who has their primary on Jan. 21st. It wouldn't surprise me if she dropped out of the race at her conference today.
As soon as I finished typing that, I went back to CNN and the Breaking News banner along the top read: "Source says Bachmenn is suspending her campaign for President" And you know what? I'm very okay with this.

On to New Hampshire!

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